+359 52 757221  |  sales@vintech.bg


We are developing the Vintech CAM system family for more than 25 years. New functions are added, old ones are improved, bugs are fixed.

The new features in each new version are determined by:

    the advance of the true shape nesting technology, like the appearance of CNC machines for plasma bevel cutting and high-speed laser cutting.

    the technology specifics, like the capabilities for oxy-fuel cutting of thick plates or the functionality for polyurethane foam cutting with band knife

    user requirements, such as adding the library for pricing and offering Vintech rSales in the base functionality of Vintech RCAM,

    the advance of the computer hardware and operating systems, enforcing changes in the application software. Аt the beginning we started with Windows 95 and Linux 2.2, then went through - Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8.1.
Now Vintech v11 works with Windows 10 and Linux - Ubuntu , in 64-bit mode, depending of the version of the operating system.

In case of interest for preliminary test of the update efficiency, call us! We will perform a test nesting and will evaluate the results together.


The options for update are:

Paid support with included update

For Vintech CAM system users, interested in the benefits of updating, VINTECH CADCAM offers annual Paid support service with included updates to the latest version of the system.

One-time update

For users, who do not need frequent update of the used version, VINTECH CADCAM offers the option for one-time update to the current version.

VINTECH CADCAM regularly informs the users about the new features and the possibilities and benefits resulting from their integration, with the understanding that this is our main responsibility as authors.

In order to update the Vintech CAM system, the user has to:

    send us a request for new WIBU key code for the updated version,

    register the new code in the memory of the WIBU hardware protection key.

    install the latest version of the system

For correct work with the system it may be required to upgrade hardware or to undergo a training.

Important: When releasing new versions, VINTECH CADCAM pays special attention to the backward compatibility with the existing nesting projects and the set postprocessors.