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Cutting types


Fiberlaser cutting



CNC машините за лазерно рязане използват различни методи на рязане, в зависимост от материал и работен газ, като реактивно рязане, изпаряване и топене. Използваният лазерен източник може да бъде CO2 , твърдотелен , фибро-оптичен или диоден.

Фибро-лазерното рязане се отличава с най-висока ефективност сред методите за рязане на листови детайли.
Преди години методът беше конкурентен за обработка чрез източници с лазерна мощност до 5 KW, с малки дебелини и размери на работната зона 1,5 х 3м.
Днес новостите в конструкциите на фибролазерните машини засягат качествено технологията на обработка на листови детайли.
Мощността на фибролазерните източници е увеличена в границите 5 до 60KW, работният газ е филтриран въздух, размерите на работната зона са 2х 25м, възможните дебелини на рязане на листови детайли достигат до 60мм, а в някои случаи до 100мм. Фибро-лазерното рязане постига скорости на рязане, които са в пъти по-високи от тези при плазмено рязане.

Следствие високите мощности на лазерния лъч - 15, 30, 50КВ, и високата скорост на рязане, голямото количество топлина при рязане се „издухва“ със стопения в среза метал, а температурните деформации в обработваемия лист са на порядък по-ниски от всички досега използвани методи на термично рязане: Ако при плазмено рязане на карта за разкрой линейните удължения в 12м лист бяха от 5 до10 мм, сега при фибро-лазерно рязане с висока мощност те са по-малки от 1мм.

Следвайки производствените иновации във фибро-лазерното рязане, във NESPERT CAM са доразвити и/или включени важни функции:

- общ срез с шипове,

- обработка към материала,

- смесено управление на отместването на траекториите от контурите на детайл,

- импорт на концентрични окръжност от 2D CAD файл,

- интерактивно създаване на технология и маршрут/ред на обработката за детайли на листа без технология, с автоматично създаване на технология на вътрешни и вложени траектории,

Процесът на генерация на NC програми сега позволява програмиране на машини, работещи с XML LXD формат, използван в китайските машини за лазерно рязане.

Във NESPERT Manager е добавена функционалност за работа с изделия/продукти,

Във NESPERT NCV се верифицират NC програми и в XML LXD формат.

NESPERT CAM разполага върху цели листи и/или използваеми остатъци. Програмира различни видове лазерни обработки – рязане, гравиране, изпаряване.


Laser cutting



Laser cutting of sheet material is a process in which contours are cut from sheet material (metal, plastic, wood, ..), using high energy laser beam and high-pressure gas jet.

The CNC machines for laser cutting use different cutting methods, depending on the material and the cutting gas, such as reactive cutting, vaporisation cutting and melt and blow (Fusion cutting). The used laser source can be CO2, solid-state (Nd: YAG), fiber laser or diode laser. The different machines can have different degree of automatic control of the processing process through the NC program.

NESPERT CAM can program, with high quality, all types of industrial laser cutting systems for sheet parts.
Performs multi-plate automatic and interactive nesting; provides advanced tools for automatic and/or interactive menagement of the processing technology for parts without limitation of the complexity of the contours; defines the cutting conditions according to the material grade and thickness, the contour type and the required processing quality.
Nests on whole plates and/or usable remnants; programs different processing types – cutting, engraving, evaporation.
Generates NC programs with both a linear structure and with subroutines with translation and rotation using open-source Postprocessors.
Transfers NC program from one CNC machine to another with a single press of a button.

NESPERT CAM is completed with a pricing and offering module, with a module for precise time reporting and an NC program verification utility.


Plasma cutting


plasma.pngNESPERT CAM programs all types of plasma cutting machines, without limitation on the type of the plasma source.

Provides advanced capabilities for programming the processing of both metals with normal thickness and thick metals.

Performs automatic and interactive true shape nesting ith on-line control against overlapping.

Uses the Technological Datasets Base to automatically assign the processing  parameters according to the grade and thicknes of the material,

Creates nesting layouts with special cutting technologies: Special types of lead-ins/lead-outs; Pre-piercing; Chain cutting, including with circumventing; Cutting with bridges, with pseudo-bridges; Deviding a path into segments, and others.

Nests on usable remnants (UR), taking into accound the margins on UR, defines a remnant to an order, provides functions for slicing the scrap skeleton.

Manages test points for setting an NC program for cutting on an UR,

Creates pricing, taking into account orders and types of UR, scrap and burnout.

Verifies NC programs.


Oxy-fuel cutting


oxy.pngNESPERT CAM programs all types of oxy-fuel cuttig machines. It an be used for both machines with manual piercing control and with automatic piercing control. Programs both static parallel torches and parallel torches with variable count and spacing.

Provides advanced capabilities for programming the processing of both metals with normal thickness and thick metals.

Performs automatic and interactive true shape nesting with on-line control against overlapping.

Uses Technological Datasets Base for defining the proccessing parameters according to the grade and thickness of the material,

Creates nesting layouts with special cutting technologies, such as: Special types of lead-in/lead-outs; Pre-piercing; Cutting with common cuts; Chain cutting; Cutting with bridges, with pseudo-bridges; Deviding the path into segments, Reversing the dirrection of the path or of a segment of it.

Nests on usable remnants (UR), taking into account the margins on UR, defines a remnant to an order,provides functions for slicing the scrap skeleton.

Creates nesting layouts for: Cutting parallel torches; Cutting a zone on zones; With variable parallel torch count and spacing (Advanced Multi Torch).

Manages test points for setting an NC program for cutting on an UR,

Creates pricing, taking into account orders and types of UR, scrap and burnout.

Verifies NC programs.


Heavyduty thermal cutting


heavy duty.pngТекст за дебелостенно рязане


Tangential knife cutting


knife.pngNESPERT CAM is used for cutting non-metallic sheet parts on special cutting plotters.

NESPERT CAM nests automatically with unlimited number of nesting levels.

The Vintech rKnife module is  developed for cutting deformable materials, such as foam, and it allows the creation of nesting layouts for cutting all parts with a single lead-in from the edge (without piercing).



Water-jet cutting


vaterjet-collor-cutting.pngNESPERT CAM is used successfully for programming water-jet cutting machines.

The NESPERT rJet module provides tools for setting up the different qualities of the cut on a separate contour, and functions for management of speed and  acceleration according to the shape of the segments of the contour.

NESPERT CAM programs modern CNC water-jet cutting machines with compensation of the bevel of the cut.


Bevel cutting


bevel.pngThe bevel cutting is the most sophisticated technology for true shape nesting of sheet parts, in which the system for tracking the height from the plate during cutting is decisive.

The programming of bevel cutting requires thorough knowledge of the capabilities of the tracking system and significant practical experience.

VINTECH is developing NESPERT CAM to program various bevel heads, equiped with capacitive, mechanical, voltage or laser tracking systems.
With the NESPERT rBevel add-on module, it is possible to program any paths for bevels and chamfers with constant or variable bevel angles along the contour.

Today NESPERT CAM is a proven profesional solution for programming of plasma bevel cutting for true shape nesting.


Oxy-fuel bevel nesting

A capacitive, ultrasound or mechanical tracking of the height above the part is used for oxy-fuel bevel cutting for true shape nesting.

Mainly thick wall parts, with thickness greater than 50 mm are cut.

NESPERT CAM provides advanced functions for designing cutting based on nesting layouts with constant and variable bevels and chamfers.

Features, which allow adjustment and processing of bevels and chamfers of a separate thick wall part, have been developed. This cutting method is the only way to process thick wall parts with top and bottom chamfers and bevels. For parts with greater thickness this working mode saves metal and in some cases the economy can reach 20% or more compared to cutting the same part with bevels in a nesting layout.


Thermal and drilling - boring cutting


drill-boring.pngNESPERT CAM has advanced capabilities for managing the cutting technology for holes in sheet parts from nesting layouts.

The processing of pipe grids with thermal cutting combined with drilling and boring at one set shortens the production cycle of similar parts from weeks to hours.

The combined processing dramatically reduces the impact of temperature deformations and internal stresses on the flatness of parts with multiple holes.

The NESPERT rDrill module adds tools, regimes and processing sequences for through and steped, smooth and threaded holes, for milling of contours or stepped holes, for combining plasma cutting of a through hole with counterboring or boring of its steps, in the Technological Datasets Base




postmarking.pngPostmarking text here